mathematical relationship

英 [ˌmæθəˈmætɪkl rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] 美 [ˌmæθəˈmætɪkl rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp]

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  1. In the case of a PKI public and private key pair, there is a mathematical relationship between the keys in question.
  2. Just like with f-stops, there is a mathematical relationship between different shutter speeds& each shutter speed stays open half as long as the one above it, or twice as long the one below it.
  3. Don't get too worked up about the mathematical relationship of the numbers for now – just know that each stop either doubles or halves the amount of light.
  4. They develop cost functions, which express the mathematical relationship between costs and their cost drivers.
  5. In order to meet the needs of special environment of the display, a display terminal brightness and ambient illumination mathematical relationship is established.
  6. To validate the mathematical relationship, the rubber pad forming experiment was carried out.
  7. We start at the rank-size rule by urban population and the rank-size rule by urban built-up area, and derive a mathematical relationship that the land use size of a city and its population.
  8. The mathematical model of cell size growth during microcellular foam injection molding process was studied, and the mathematical relationship between process parameters and cell size was established.
  9. What is the mathematical relationship between the lowest resonant frequency and the higher frequencies at which resonance occurred?
  10. A mathematical relationship between the strength and porosity of highly porous isotropic three-dimensional reticulated metal foams under equal-speed biaxial tension was derived.
  11. There is fixed homologous mathematical relationship between the maize spike character and granule weight.
  12. The mathematical relationship between the neighborhood of the equilibrium point and the range of the unmatched uncertainties and parameters of sliding mode is formulated, which can be used for the system design and analysis.
  13. The degree-rank function is proposed as a new statistic characteristic of complex network and the mathematical relationship between degree-rank function and degree distribution is derived.
  14. Mathematical relationship between Rn daughter concentrations and ventilation, adhesion and deposition, and radioactive decay was developed in the paper.
  15. Based on the total Lagrangian formulation, the formulas of both secant and tangent stiffness matrices in geometric nonlinear analysis are derived in detail in this paper, and their mathematical relationship is given.
  16. For the system discussed, a mathematical relationship between the separation factors was given.
  17. The mathematical relationship for assessing total energy consumption within a material life cycle is presented in this paper.
  18. Flatness measuring methods and principles, the structure of flatness meter as well as the mathematical relationship are summarized.
  19. There is a mathematical relationship between the two adjacent edges of the rectangle.
  20. The precision, SNP and the number of iteration were analyzed, and their mathematical relationship was developed.
  21. Based on the theory of color mixing, a large number of experimental data are analyzed and processed in the paper, with the Matlab mathematical toolbox as the modeling aided tool to elaborate the mathematical relationship between the different concentrations of dyeing sample and tristimulus values CMY.
  22. In the end, we get the mathematical relationship among the current, voltage and potential barrier resistance through the SRS model.
  23. Meanwhile, it described the mathematical relationship of fractal traffic flow with mathematics method, set up corresponding mathematics model, and proved the model was correct with some data.
  24. Taking soil salinity for an example, this paper set up the mathematical relationship model between spectrum reflectance and the content of soil salinity. By testing, the regression model based on BP neural network was better than multiple linear regression model.
  25. From the point of view of the mathematical relationship, it can clearly reveal the coupling effect of the flow and heat and mass transfer by means of convection and source terms.
  26. In this paper, the Sherman-Morrison formula is applied to deduce the mathematical relationship expression between the measurements and the variance of state variables, and based on that expression, a new method for measurements evaluation and configuration optimization in distribution network is proposed.
  27. The complete mathematical relationship between the characteristic parameters A, flow coefficient and hollow of the cyclone center of the simplified model is obtained by theoretical derivation.
  28. Subsequently, the paper determines a clear mathematical relationship between the product and manufacturing system on the basis of the analysis. And it also gets a detailed model of the variation model.
  29. Deterministic vibration can be described with a clear mathematical relationship.
  30. The optimal capacity and update time of spectrum pool are all studied. It is found that there is quantitative mathematical relationship between optimal capacity and system efficiency.